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A Look Into Choosing Colors for Home Interiors

November 28, 2022

The colors you use in your home greatly affect the impressions people get when they walk through one of the rooms. The colors can also affect the emotions of whoever is in there, so when you change your home's color scheme, you have a chance to make the house into a space where occupants are calmed and soothed by the interior colors. Certain colors are more popular than others, and according to House Grail, in 2021 those popular colors were gray, beige, white, and blue. A few of these work better in some rooms than others, and a kitchen remodeling service can help you choose.

Basic Colors for Different Rooms

As previously mentioned, the four most popular colors for home interiors in 2021 were all fairly neutral, save for blue. However, even blue can function as a neutral color, especially when it's on the lighter side.

Do keep in mind that colored walls can make the space seem busier and smaller, as the color is draws the eye more than plain white walls. For this reason, you want to keep smaller rooms like the bathroom in the white to neutral range or light blue. Larger areas can handle darker colors and shades, like medium blue or darker beige. A kitchen remodeling service might suggest light neutrals for a kitchen.

Colors and Emotions

Additionally, be aware of how color affects the emotions of those in the room. Blues are considered calming and cool, something you'd likely appreciate in a bedroom or den. According to Toptal, browns are good for conservative situations or situations in which you want to remind people of nature, and beige shades can blend in with the surroundings, allowing other colors to get all the attention. Gray is great for making the interior look stylish.

White tends to look very clean and basic, but do be cautious about making everything white, like a white shower and tub stall, white toilet, white walls, and white vinyl flooring in a bathroom. That white blends into a mass of white and can become visually overwhelming. Adding a bit of color is always advisable.

If you're remodeling and redecorating your home, those popular colors will give you a base that will complement your other decor. If you’re looking to speak to painting and remodeling experts to set up an expert service, contact our team at Paint Changers today!

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